From Memorial Day through Labor Day there is ONE worship service at 9:00 AM followed by Sunday School at 10:00 AM. This service rotates between traditional and contemporary.


The traditional worship service at FCC features talented musicians on both the organ and piano. Participants in this service will sing out of the Chalice Hymnal, and will enjoy special anthems presented by the Adult Choir. In additional to the Pastoral Prayer, Offering, Scripture Reading, and Sermon by one of the Minister(s) each week, there will be a celebration of the Lord’s Supper, which is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ. The service features traditional worship liturgy, and at times, will celebrate Christian Baptism by Immersion, and the Dedication of Infants.

Contemporary Worship – 10:45 AM

The contemporary worship service at FCC is musically led by the FCC Praise Team, known as “Blind Faith.” This service, which has less structure, incorporates modern songs, many played on local religious radio stations. The songs are projected on large screens at the front of the sanctuary. The service includes prayer, and giving of ones offerings, and celebration of the Lord’s Supper by Intinction (breaking the bread and dipping into the cup). Again, all are welcome to receive Communion who believe in Jesus Christ. The service is high energy and is free-flowing.

cry room and nursery available